Old News





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Unfortunately Fujijapanese.com.au no longer exits, but you can see it on www.archive.org. Click here to see it. It was done with CSS and has not been stored on archive.orgs website.


I has been a while since I have done an update, but I have designed 3 sites. Check them out. They are in order of creation. The Fujijapanese.com.au site is the latest one that I have made and it uses CSS for the majority of the layout.

Maria-Gonzalez.com Taxi-andaluz.com Fujijapanese.com.au


I have updated the tutorial in the flash section.


I have added a tutorial in the flash section that explains how to pass variables to a flash movie.


I have added a tutorial that explains how I created my pop up windows.


Updated the way the banners are displayed. Now I pass the banner information via javascript.


Did the actual upload to the web of the site. Changed how the banners are implemented. It is actually one flash plugin used for the entire site, This helps to load the pages faster since there is no need to have a separate banner for every page. I will describe how it was done in the flash section.


I has been a while since my last update. Any way one the most obvious changes is the new navigation menu using flash. I got a basic copy and modified for use on my site. In the web design section I will describe what and why I did things.


Added Seville by night.


I have added the Spain subsection under travel. At the moment I have Avila, Aranjuez and Cordoba.


I have added "click to enlarge" on all images


I have now added the travel section.